When people think of Florida they often envision a vacation, lots of theme parks, the beaches, and retirement. This is why so many new residents relocate to the state each year. There are also the many college students who attend the schools scattered throughout this popular state, and all of the everyday people who live there too. This has created a strong demand for medical professionals, including CNAs. Currently, the very popular Tampa and St. Petersburg areas of Florida are in need of such medical professionals. So, if you are looking for a pleasant location in which to practice a rewarding career, this is a good opportunity to register for CNA classes in St. Petersburg.
Finding Information about CNA Jobs in St. Petersburg
How do you really determine if this is a job market that will have what you are looking for? You conduct a search. A very basic search via the St. Petersburg Craigslist pages is a good place to start, but you can also get very specific and targeted information directly from employment services and agencies. For those interested in a career as a CNA in this area, the following firms are reliable resources for information and support:
Licensing and Education Requirements
Becoming a CNA in St. Petersburg, FL means that you will be trained according to federal requirements. This starts with the use of an accredited CNA training program. The Florida Department of Health regulates all of the CNA programs in St. Petersburg, and approves them for accreditation.
The state will require at least 120 hours of CNA classes and clinical work. Usually the training is divided between time in the classroom setting with the rest being done in an on the job or clinical approach. Once you complete and pass all of the mandatory courses, you can then qualify to sit for the exam. This is a process that is done directly through CNA programs or through the Pro Metric service that has contracted with the state.
During training and certification you will also have to have an FBI fingerprint assessment and will need to submit a report on any criminal activity.
CNA Training in St. Petersburg
The entire Tampa and St. Petersburg region is packed with schools, and many of them make accredited CNA programs available. Be sure that the resource that you choose is indeed state approved. Some of the most convenient locations offering CNA classes in St. Petersburg will include:
Key Employers to Know
Once the CNA training and credentialing processes are done, and the certified nursing assistant has been put on the state registry, it is time to begin looking for work. As already demonstrated, there are a lot of reliable staffing services, but there are also some “key” or large scale employers that could give you a chance to become experienced in a lot of different areas. Currently some of the best sites of this kind include:
Salary Information
Although there is a demand for CNAs in St. Petersburg, the lower cost of living in the state has held the average starting salary close to the national average. A Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) in St. Petersburg, Florida earns an median wage of $32,280 annually, with a range between $26,797-$38,699 (Salary.com).
Key Skills Learned in CNA Training
Currently, all CNA training in the state of Florida is based on federal guidelines. This means that your St. Petersburg CNA classes will address the following skills:
- Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology,
- Providing services to the supervising nurse at your facility,
- Caring for the patients,
- Patient safety techniques, and
- CPR certification
You will also need the CNA training that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has identified as well. These include all of those above, plus the knowledge around dispensing of medication, dealing with positioning in wheelchairs, and knowing how to communicate a patient’s needs properly to medical staff.