Just south of the large city of Raleigh, is Fayetteville, NC, a very attractive location for living and working. As a small city of 198k residents it has a different “feel” than the busier cities nearby, and yet it also has a very active job market for anyone who is interested in becoming a certified nursing assistant through CNA classes in Fayetteville.
CNA Classes and Licensing Essentials in Fayetteville, NC
Now, before you jump right in and start seeking employment as a CNA, you have to know what is required by the state. Firstly, all CNA programs must be first approved by the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation.
Before they can sign up for these CNA programs, however, students must first meet a specific set of state requirements. These include being over the age of 18, having a high school diploma or GED, having a mandatory health exam that includes drug screening and a full TB test, and also having a criminal background check.
Once these things are done, the student can enroll and begin their CNA training. This requires 75 hours of specific CNA classes and then at least 16 hours of clinical work that provides hands on learning.
When this has been completed successfully, the student then contacts the nearest Pearson Vue location in order to register for the mandatory state exam. When they pass this exam they become certified and can appear on the state registry. They can also seek employment as a CNA of any kind!
Best CNA Training Programs in Fayetteville
You can find a long list of approved sites for training, but the following are already approved and convenient to anyone in Fayetteville:
Skills Acquired in CNA Training Programs
What exactly is the job of the CNA? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics a CNA can be many things, including a home health aide, a caregiver, and more. During your classes training you are going to have to learn many different skills, and some will be practical while others are technical. A general list of the things you should be prepared to study in your CNA classes in Fayetteville includes:
- How to properly care for the patients, including everything from feeding and bathing, to moving them from bed to a chair, etc.,
- How to properly and safely toilet, change, and lift patients,
- How to provide services to the supervising nurses and physicians at a medical facility,
- The basics of human anatomy and physiology , and
- Using and implementing patient safety techniques.
CNA training can also include housekeeping since certified nursing assistants can also become “live in” caregivers for a patient. The state guidelines may also allow CNA training programs to teach you about dispensing medications and working directly under the supervision of a head nurse or a doctor.
Earnings Information
What is the income potential for this work? It is pretty close to the national average as established by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to Salary.com the median annual Certified Nursing Assistant salary in Fayetteville, NC is $29,620, as of August 18, 2020, with a range usually between $24,596-$35,504 (Salary.com).
Essential Information about CNA Jobs in Fayetteville, North Carolina
Where do you start to seek out employment as a licensed CNA in Fayetteville? One of the most general methods is to use an online resource such as the Craigslist page for the city. This shows you the current openings available and what you can reasonably expect to earn.
If you are already sure about the work you hope to do you can also contact a few of the staffing agencies in Fayetteville. They have most of the available CNA jobs on their files and can help you do a very targeted search. Good names to rely on for this approach will include:
Biggest CNA Employers in Fayetteville
You can also “dip your toes” in the work experiences available to all CNAs by seeking employment with hospitals and medical centers. They allow you to use all of your skills and determine which are your strengths and preferences. Some are award winning too! The top places to look include:
Rely on the tools and steps outlined above and you will become a successful certified nursing assistant in Fayetteville in no time!
- Popular Cities in North Carolina
CNA Classes in North Carolina
- CNA Training Centers
- Street Address
- Phone Number
Fayetteville Technical Community College | 2201 Hull Road | 910 678-8423 |